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* Supplement I to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia XVIII (JP XVIII supp. I)
The JP XVIII supp.I is an English edition published by PMRJ (former Society of Japanese Pharmacopoeia), having completely the same content with the Japanese Pharmacopoeia XVIII supp.I official edition issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfares, which became effective on December 28, 2022. Official Monographs provide approx. 95 articles, including 11 articles newly added, 2 article deleted and 82 articles revised. In the General Tests, Processes and Apparatus the following tests are newly added: 2.00 Chromatography, 2.27 Near Infrared Spectorometry, 2.28 Circular Dichroism Spectrometry.
     Price: JPY18,000 (plus shipping and handling charge)
*Shipping and handling charge depend on location and the weight.
For purchase, please contact the following distributor:
     Yakuji Nippo, Ltd., Fax. +81-3-3866-8495; to the distributor
* The Japanese Pharmacopoeia XVIII(JP XVIII)
The JP XVIII is an English edition published by PMRJ (former Society of Japanese Pharmacopoeia), having completely the same content with the Japanese Pharmacopoeia XVIII official edition issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfares, which was promulgated and became effective on June 7, 2021.
It comprises the following articles(two separate volumes): General Notices; General Rules for Crude Drugs; General Rules for Preparations; General Tests, Processes and Apparatus; Official Monographs including the monographs for crude drugs (2033 items); Infrared and Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra; General Information.
     Price: JPY85,000 (plus shipping and handling charge)
*Shipping and handling charge depend on location and the weight.
For purchase, please contact the following distributor:
     Yakuji Nippo, Ltd., Fax. +81-3-3866-8495; to the distributor
* Japanese Pharmacopoeial Forum (JPF)
JPF is a quarterly bilingual publication, in Japanese and English, issued by PMRJ.
This is the one and only English medium to get the latest JP information on new and revised drafts for the test methods and official monographs, actions taken by the committee of JP, aspects of the international harmonization by Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group, etc. and will help to keep you aware of any new upcoming official requirements with which you must comply.
The subscription is registered on a yeary basis. When you subscribe during the course of the year, you automatically receive all issues published to date.
Contents of recent issues (in English)
Annual subscription fee : US$300.00 (including shipping and handling charge)
For details about the subscription, please contact the following distributor:
     Yakuji Nippo, Ltd., Fax. +81-3-3866-8495; to the distributor
* Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Science (PMDRS)
A bimonthly journal (mainly in Japanese)    ISSN: 0287-0894; CODEN: IYKEDH
former titles:
IYAKUHINKENKYU until March 2004
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science from April 2004 to December 2009
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Science is a bimonthly journal issued by PMRJ since January 2010 to provide information related to regulatory science.
PMDRS provides articles which cover development, pharmacovigilance, quality and others on drugs and medical devices which contributes to promote regulatory science in the field.
The subscription is registered on a year basis. When you subscribe during the course of the year, you automatically receive all issues published to date.
Index of recent issues (in Japanese; partical summaries in English)
* Japanese Pharmacopoeia Technical Information (JPTI; in Japanese)
JPTI provides technical information helping users to obtain accurate and reproducible results of the tests described in the JP.
* The Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex 2002 (JPC2002; in Japanese)
* Japanese Orange Books (Approved drug products with therapeutic equivalence evaluations ; in Japanese)
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(Last update: 13-Marchr-2024)